Community Growth


We are involved in community growth initiatives. We make an effort to listen to neighbors and frequently participate in public-private partnerships to achieve public goals.

Just like you we want to enhance our surrounding neighborhoods and address community needs. Successful communities rely on a thriving economy. Workplaces, retail spaces and residential building that contribute to the vitality of the surrounding community offer new job opportunities.

Mixed-use buildings and neighborhoods are indications of success. By mixing housing, jobs, retail, and public amenities like parks and community centers, mixed-use neighborhoods allow residents to spend less time in traffic and more time with friends and family.

Smart Growth

Typically these are compact communities that connect with surrounding neighborhoods, integrate multiple land uses, have a definable neighborhood center and safe streets while protecting regional open spaces. These developments typically have smaller lots that bring houses closer together and town-center retail districts, parks, and community open spaces that facilitate walking for at least some aspects of daily living.


There is an opportunity for builders and developers to gain competitive advantage by addressing the unmet demand for particular types of housing.

“People will accept the product they’re offered if they have no other options. If a builder or developer offers choices that better meet consumer preferences, they will have an advantage over other providers, especially where supply is limited as with smart growth products.”

-Gregg Logan, Managing Director of Robert Charles Lesser & Co, LLC